WisFaq - de digitale vraagbaak voor wiskunde en wiskunde onderwijs


Het getal e

Hallo, ik moet een po maken over het getal e. Misschien kunnen jullie me opweg helpen. Mijn vragen zijn: in hoeverre euler door newton en taylor werd beinvloed? En hoe leidde newton's methode tot euler's formule?

Leerling bovenbouw havo-vwo - zondag 30 december 2001


Eerst maar eens een paar citaten:
Euler completed his studies at the University of Basel in 1726. He had studied many mathematical works during his time in Basel, and Calinger [23] has reconstructed many of the works that Euler read with the advice of Johann Bernoulli. They include works by Varignon, Descartes, Newton, Galileo, von Schooten, Jacob Bernoulli, Hermann, Taylor and Wallis.
The publication of many articles and his book Mechanica (1736-37), which extensively presented Newtonian dynamics in the form of mathematical analysis for the first time, started Euler on the way to major mathematical work.
He made decisive and formative contributions to geometry, calculus and number theory. He integrated Leibniz's differential calculus and Newton's method of fluxions into mathematical analysis.
Zie ook pag.921

Zie Leonhard Euler

vrijdag 4 januari 2002

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