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Het wortelteken

Waarom is een wortel een v'tje?

Student universiteit - maandag 29 oktober 2018


Op Internet kan je van alles vinden:
Square root. The first use of a capital R with a diagonal line was in 1220 by Leonardo of Pisa in Practica geometriae, where the symbol meant "square root" (Cajori vol. 1, page 90).

The radical symbol first appeared in 1525 in Die Coss by Christoff Rudolff (1499-1545). He used the symbol √ (without the vinculum) for square roots. He did not use indices to indicate higher roots, but instead modified the appearance of the radical symbol for higher roots.

It is often suggested that the origin of the modern radical symbol is that it is an altered letter r, the first letter in the word radix. This is the opinion of Leonhard Euler in his Institutiones calculi differentialis (1775). However, Florian Cajori, author of A History of Mathematical Notations, argues against this theory.

Earliest Uses of Symbols of Operation
En dan nog maar 's verder lezen. Helpt dat?

maandag 29 oktober 2018

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